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Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Within the Human Systems Integration DAS of the AESE Pole (see expertise section), a daily workshop has been organized the 9/11/2018 at Agen Agropole. The title of the workshop was: “Comment l'IA peut-elle améliorer l'interaction homme-machine?”. Jean-Marc Salotti and David Daney participated to the organization of the workshop. Jean-Marc Salotti presented a talk entitled: “Introduction aux concepts de l’intelligence artificielle”.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
Member of the Conference Program Committees


Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Invited Talks

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Vincent Padois is, together with Olivier Stasse from LAAS, the co-animator of GT7 "Humanoid Robotics" of the CNRS “Groupement de Recherche en Robotique” (GDR). The role of animator consists in organizing regular workshops in humanoid robotics with the members of the French research community in this domain. It also consists in reporting strategic elements to the GDR in order to better organize the structure of research in Robotics in France.

Scientific Expertise

Jean-Marc Salotti and David Daney are official animators of the Humans Systems Interactions AESE DAS (Strategic Activities Domain of the Aerospace Valley Pole), which gathers all regional actors concerned with human factors, human systems interactions, and collaborative robotics mainly in the aerospace sector, but not limited to that domain. At least 2 daily workshops are organized each year for the members of the group in order to focus on a specific issue. Jean-Marc Salotti and David Daney are also solicited to examine regional projects linked to the DAS in order to provide advice and eventually to participate to the labelling process of the pole.

Research Administration

Sylvain Pion represents the Auctus team in the CUMI-R (Comité des Utilisateurs des Moyens Informatiques) committee of Inria Bordeaux.